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Our meetings are held every month on the third Monday.  Meeting location will be announced at the previous weeks Tuesday night NET.  Guests are welcome to attend.

The weekly on-air RACES Analog Net is held every Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm Eastern Time on the WB9AGX Repeater (147.39 MHz with a PL of 131.8). The Net serves as our practice for emergency deployment; please follow the protocols explained during each net.

The weekly on-air RACES Digital Net is no longer held due to lack of interest at this time.
Newcomers are welcome to check into the Net. The weekly Net serves as our emergency training and to pass information to members.

St Joseph county tests the “tornado sirens” on the 1 st Thursday of each month at approximately 11:30 AM. The purpose of these tests is to verify all the sirens are working. In conjunction with the monthly siren test, R.A.C.E.S. conducts a Siren Net. This net starts after the siren test has completed. The net is on the WB9AGX repeater 147.390, PL 131.8. Check-ins are encouraged. We will ask your location & whether or not you
heard the siren. This information is critical to verify that the sirens can be heard in time of a tornado.
If you are not able to check-in and report siren status on the radio, you can send an email to
KB9ZRV@ARRL.NET, giving your location and whether or not you heard the siren test, please put “SIREN TEST” in the subject.  Your help is needed to verify our county alert system is working BEFORE there is an Emergency.  If you don't hear your local siren and can report the ID from the pole, this info gives the county repair crew an exact location that needs addressed.

To become a member of RACES, fill out and submit the online form. After processing, you will be given an appointment to have your picture taken for your RACES ID credentials (i.e., picture ID card).

No events at the moment
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